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Mosaic-Pictures 2.1

(~644 Kb) $11.99 PAD file: mosaic.xml
Create your own photo mosaic! A mosaic picture shows a motive, which is assembled from many different smaller pictures.

You only select the folder with your photos to take as mosaic stones. Then the program can render any photo of your choice only with this mosaic stones.

If you go far away you only see the big photo but if you come closer you see the many little photos which are the mosaic stones and which make up the big photo.

Download the free trial version

With our program Photo-Printer you can print out your photos - many photos placed on one page.

If you need to create a computer photo slideshow or a video/dvd slideshow use our software SlideShow.

To edit photos you use our Photo-Retouch.

Mosaic-Pictures has got a 4 stars rating on ZDNet.

Mosaic-Pictures has been awarded a 3 star rating at A1 Yippee Shareware.

Awarded with "The Most Popular" award by!

Mosaic-Pictures was rated with 5 stars by software directory

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