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Add to the basket for $16 US dollars
(~651 Kb) $16 PAD file: pprinter.xml
Start using your printer for a useful job! Print your photos and
pictures with CAD-KAS Photo-Printery! With the program you can
create collages out of your picture material. You can arrange
pictures as desired on the worksheet and change the size of this
pictures. By request the program arranges the pictures
automatically. You can write a free text for all photos.
If you want to print your photos as big posters you use Poster-Printery.
If you want to place photos on a pdf file you use PDF PhotoAlbum.
Photo-Printery got the "Softempire King" title by the SoftEmpire.com team.
Photo-Printer has got a 4 stars rating on softlist.net.
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